xe | xir | xirs | xirself |
ze | zir | zirs | zirself |
they | them | theirs | themself |
he | him | his | himself |
xe | xem | xeirs | xemself |
void | void | voids | voidself |
The following is private information, if you know it, DON'T share and please don't tell people that you know it! | Do not be overly familiar with me. that includes acting as though we're friends, have a family dynamic, or making inappropriate jokes. |
my time zone
my exact age
where I work
details about where I live
any social media outside of discord & twitter
“You think because I’m kind that it means I’m naive, and maybe I am. It’s strategic and necessary. This is how I fight.”_ — Waymond, Everything Everywhere All At Once._
“You may not want to hear it, but your critics are often the ones telling you they still love you and care about you, and want to make you better.”_ — Randy Pausch, the Last Lecture_
Almost everyone I know who gives a damn about their life ended up there basically by accident. So leave room for accidents. You'll figure yourself out, I know you will.”_ — Puck Falco, The Penumbra Podcast_
“Do what you can, with what you've got, where you are.”_ — Squire Bill Widener, via Theodore Roosevelt_
Art is always allowed and appreciated but never expected. <3
pfp by @nataliapaints !